NEWSLETTER – February / 2021
From the Desk of Bestselling Author
Mark Shaw
Mark Shaw
For Worldwide Release in April:
Based on new evidence and an unorthodox research strategy never attempted before, besides being three of most inspiring historical figures of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy and Dorothy Kilgallen should have never died so early in life and within 40 months of one another, each a victim of Robert F. Kennedy’s abuse of power. While humanizing each of these icons, “Collateral Damage” exposes the truth regarding three murder mysteries that are not really mysteries at all. Link to Amazon posting.
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Cover-up Suspected Regarding NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea Misconduct Allegations Regarding Dorothy Kilgallen Murder Case.
Read Mark Shaw’s Recent Letter to NYPD Inspector General Phil Eure Objecting to Delays and Alleging Possible Cover-up by the IG’s office instead of full investigation of Commissioner Dermot Shea’s Abuse of Power Denying Dorothy Kilgallen Justice.
Rare Copy of Dorothy Kilgallen’s book, “Girl Around the World” Purchased; Donated by Mark Shaw to his Purdue University Archival Collection.
Autographed Books?
From time to time, I hear from readers of my books that they would appreciate it if I would sign them. This is quite an honor and with each request, I inform the reader that if they email me, I will provide an address where they can send her or his book(s) and that I will take care of any return postage after I sign the book(s). The email address is
Read your two Kilgallen books. Good work. I am a long time amateur student of the JFK Assassination. I feel what you overlook in your Mafia connections is what Dorothy herself could not totally know in 1965. Yes, the Mafia was involved but the real power behind ALL this was the CIA. Our Government would never have allowed the Mob to totally take it on themselves to assassinate a President. Rogue elements of CIA and Military Intelligence did so and forced the entire Government to cover it up (LBJ, Earl Warren etc), so as not to reveal a whole lot of bad deeeds to the public. One wants to jump back in time to shake this brilliant but sometimes silly (gossip purveyor) woman to warn her to back down or else. She had a great career and life and three kids to raise. She had little idea of the powers she really faced. Of course she was but only one of scores who were killed because they got too close to the truth by being witnesses or direct discovery. She was the best at the latter. The great late Mark Lane was the most accurate of all in connecting the CIA. A heroic man named Harold Weisberg and many others come to mind. Sad sad chapter in American history. Again, enjoyed your work