Mark Shaw – Author, Attorney

12 Mar

The JFK Kennedy Assassination Task Force Investigation: the Truth or Another Cover-up by Excluding Heralded Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen’s Proof of a Plot to Kill the President based on her 18-month Probe of his Death, the most Credible in History. 


Mark Shaw
Author, Attorney
1601 Santa Clara Street #318
Santa Clara, CA 95050

March 11, 2025

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna 
226 Cannon Office Building Washington D. C. 20515
Congresswoman Luna, Good day

Recently, I read of your being appointed to chair the Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets regarding the deaths of President John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King. I also noted that in a press release, you mentioned that based on your initial evaluation of certain evidence provided to the Task Force, you believe there were two shooters who assassinated JFK, a sure step in the direction of proving there was a plot to kill him.

Such a conclusion fits in with the research I have conducted for the past fifteen years as a former noted criminal defense attorney and ABC, CNN and USA Today legal analyst for the Mike Tyson, O. J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant cases turned historian and bestselling author who has published six books about the president’s tragic death with one more on the way this fall. I am quite pleased that you and your colleagues will now probe not only the president’s death, but RFK’s as well since I have uncovered shocking new evidence about who orchestrated his death and who covered up the truth with the result that it appears Sirhan Sirhan was not culpable for any of his actions triggering the need for a fresh investigation of his case.

To be certain, your Task Force will discover many documents and hear from many so-called “experts” about the twin assassinations, and you must follow every lead, but I caution you to beware of outlandish “conspiracy” theories about what happened to both men when they died in the 1960s. Many distortions of history exist, including those present at the 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, and to the contrary, I have prided myself on publishing the following books based on primary source material, not speculation.

Since I am unaware if you and your colleagues know of my research, I would like to contribute it to your investigations and assist wherever possible with exposing the strongest evidence available to provide the public with the most logical conclusions available. Perhaps my research can also lead to additional research, including important documents, “witnesses” to be interviewed, and so forth, and to that end, I volunteer to speak with or appear before your Task Force when called upon to do.

My books, ones that focus on the 18th month investigation of JFK’s death by heralded journalist and media icon Dorothy Kilgallen, the most credible reporter to have probed her friend the president’s death, as well as my own independent investigations, include:

Melvin Belli: King of the Courtroom (Proves Jack Ruby’s Attorney Mafia Controlled)

The Poison Patriarch (Proves Joseph Kennedy “Fixed” the 1960 election with the assistance of underworld figures who were then double-crossed)

The Reporter Who Knew Too Much (The story of heralded journalist and media icon Dorothy Kilgallen and her 18-month investigation of her friend JFK’s death, the most credible in history.) 

Denial of Justice (The Ruby Trial Transcripts Presented for the First Time include his admissions that he “would be there” when Oswald was being transferred from jail)

Collateral Damage (Connects the Deaths of Marilyn Monroe, JFK, and Kilgallen for the  first time)

Fighting for Justice (Proves Warren Commission Corruption from an Insider for the  first time)

As of January 2025, there are more than 15 million views of YouTube presentations and interviews of this author about my last four books, including The Reporter Who Knew Too Much at the Commonwealth Club of California (,

Denial of Justice at a prestigious Allen library near Dallas that went viral

(, Collateral Damage, which connected for the first time the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallen and JFK

( and Fighting for Justice at the Commonwealth Club of California (  

More about these books and me may be learned at, So you and your colleagues may learn of my research firsthand. I have forwarded along via FedEx five of the books mentioned above as well as the flash drives for the manuscripts. If you wish me to point out certain areas of interest historically in any of the books, I will do so

This said, it is the new, breakthrough book of mine entitled Justice of the First Degree that I believe achieves what has never been done before – connect the deaths of JFK (1963), Dorothy Kilgallen (1965), and Robert Kennedy (1968). To be published this fall, it is based on shocking new evidence regarding motive and benefit from the crime, the homicide detectives’ best friends, pointing for the first time to the powerful Mafioso who orchestrated each of the deaths and the sinister government official who covered up the truth. To give you an idea of the book’s content, I have included the Cover, Introduction and Chapter One with this letter while also sending along the flash drive for the Injustice book with the other books so you may take a look. 

Before turning to important evidence for you and your Task Force to consider, I want to point out if you are not already aware, that an important confirmation of your conclusion about more than one shooter being involved in JFK’s death comes from the mouths of President Lyndon Johnson and commission member Senator Richard Russell as included in an audiotaped conversation between them ( It is included in the Injustice book at page 282: :

LBJ – Well, what difference does it make which bullet got Connolly?

R – Don’t make much difference but they said that the commission believes the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connolly. Well, I don’t believe it.

LBJ – I don’t either.

R – So I couldn’t sign it [the Final Report] , , , to the contrary, and I’m not gonna approve that. So I finally made ‘em say there was a difference in the commission in that, that wasn’t so. ‘Course if a fellow was accurate enough to hit Kennedy right in the neck with one shot and knock his head off on the next one . . . he didn’t miss completely with the third shot and according to that theory he not only missed the automobile but missed the street.

Well if the man’s good enough to put two bullets into Kennedy, he didn’t miss that whole 

This said, neither Johnson nor Russell made this conversation or their opinions available to the public at any time prior to, or following the release of the commission’s Final Report as explained in the new book as part of the commission’s deliberate coverup of the compelling evidence indicating a plot to kill JFK. As you may be aware or will learn from my book, doing so was the work of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who was protecting not only himself and the bureau from responsibility for preventing the president’s death but stopping any investigation about the one man he knew who had the strongest motive to kill JFK, Marcello. 

Such a conclusion is evident if one recalls that after certain underworld figures, including that

Mafia Don, “assisted” the Kennedys by “fixing” the 1960 presidential election at the behest of Joseph Kennedy, they had done so based on a promise they would not be investigated for any criminal activity in the future. To the contrary, an eyewitness I interviewed (RFK associate John Seigenthaler) confirmed the “promise,” but there was a double cross and Marcello was deported by the newly appointed Attorney General Robert Kennedy to the wilds of Central America. When Marcello returned, he was indicted for racketeering and vowed “revenge” against RFK but instead of “eliminating” him since JFK would have pursued the Mafia Don based on motive, Marcello, solid evidence proves, orchestrated JFK’s death so Bobby would be powerless, which is exactly what happened since the Mafioso were never pursued again during that time.  

This said, the first question you may be asking is who Dorothy Kilgallen was and why should you, in my opinion, should include research about JFK’s demise by learning more about her and her amazing career? To that end, this letter and the accompanying books, documents, and various links to internet data, introduces you to this amazing mother of three who would be murdered at age 52 when she became, to be certain, the reporter who knew too much about the assassination. 

Regarding Dorothy’s ascent to becoming called by the New York Post in 1960, “the most powerful female voice in America,” I believe you will see similarities between her having to overcome many obstacles along the way and you doing so with each of you exhibiting courage along the way. Indeed, your story is as inspiring as hers is for young women who must face gender discrimination, etc., when they attempt to compete in what may be called “a man’s world.” 

In Kilgallen’s case, she was a college dropout who became a cub reporter for her newspaper and then had to work twice as hard as others to climb the ladder to success. That included her close friend Ernest Hemingway labeling Kilgallen, whose Journal-American column was read by more than one million people each day, “One of the greatest female writers in the world.” Before that, she had covered the Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial and Dr. Sam Sheppard murder case

(became the Fugitive movie). More about her fascinating career may be learned at  

Regarding her probe of JFK’s death, unlike many so-called “experts” who have never set foot in

Dallas, Dorothy was in Dealey Plaza within a few days of JFK’s death. There she interviewed

Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry attended the Jack Ruby trial, where she was the only one out of

400 reporters to interview him (three times), and published the secret Ruby testimony at the Warren Commission before it was to be released. Regarding proof she was at the Ruby trial, here is a link to her entering the courtroom. February 19, 1964 Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen going through security at the Jack Ruby trial  

To provide more information about Kilgallen, here is a snapshot of her accomplishments, including the basics of her 18-month investigation of President Kennedy’s death:

  • College dropout who broke the “glass ceiling” in a man’s world over and over again.
  • Loving mother of three young children, “Dickie,” Jill and Kerry.
  • cub reporter for the New York Evening Journal who overcame gender and sex discrimination to fight for women’s rights including her own.
  • During the Christmas holidays in 1937 (Kilgallen was twenty-four), a surprise announcement appeared in Hearst newspapers across the country: “The first and only Woman Columnist Dorothy Kilgallen’s ‘Voice of Broadway’ Column Starts Monday. A Man’s Job. Beginning Monday in the New York Journal-American, Dorothy Kilgallen will Report Daily on the Deeds and Misdeeds of Broadway and important criminal trials. A Man’s Job. But Dorothy has been doing a Man’s Job and Doing It Better.” (Column syndicated to 200 newspapers across the country).
  • Co-host of radio show “Breakfast with Dorothy and Dick” on WOR radio NYC listened to by a million people a day.
  • Star panelist on CBS’s What’s My Line? TV program watched by more than 10 million people each week for 15 years.
  • Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize based on coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953.
  • Risk life by visiting “Little Havana” in Miami and interviewing Cuban rebels.
  • Wrote a column exposing those who wanted Fidel Castro dead, including JFK.
  • Called “The Queen of Broadway” by Variety as the most respected critic of plays on a weekly basis. 
  • Featured in a ten-part New York Post article. The writers said of her, “Wherever Dorothy Kilgallen goes, fame precedes her, envy follows her, and a crowd looks on. She is one of the communication marvels of the age.”
  • Called by New York Post, “the most powerful female voice in America.”
  • Covered many high-profile trials including four of the most important cases of the mid-20th century – Lindbergh baby kidnapping case, Dr. Sam Sheppard murder trial (became “The Fugitive” film – she saved Sheppard from a life sentence), Jack Ruby trial, Lenny Bruce obscenity trial (defended Bruce’s 1st amendment rights), etc.
  • Hosted multiple parties at her Manhattan home with star-power guests including JFK and Jackie, a Warren Commission member, Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, special friends, the actresses Bette Davis and Joan Crawford,  Ed Sullivan, etc.
  • Exposed evidence that her friend Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide through a column entitled, “MM Has Hollywood Talking Again,” while blaming her death on “the Kennedy” since, as she wrote, “The real truth hasn’t been told not by a long shot.”
  • Called by famed attorney F. Lee Bailey, “A very bright and very good reporter of criminal cases. The best there was.”
  • Visited the White House via invitation from President Harry Truman.
  • Visited JFK White House with son Kerry as special guest.
  • Attended JFK’s inauguration as a special guest of the president.

Risk life by publishing several columns attacking J. Edgar Hoover’s “Oswald Alone” conclusion and continuing JFK assassination investigation for 18 months. (attached).

  • The only reporter out of 400 from around the world to interview Jack Ruby at his trial for killing Lee Harvey Oswald (three times).
  • Risked her life by being the only reporter to expose secret Jack Ruby testimony before the Warren Commission in her newspaper columns.
  • When confronted by FBI Agents regarding where she received the Ruby testimony, she replied, “I would rather die than reveal my sources.”
  • Trusted by a Warren Commission member with secret information about commission corruption and double-cross regarding the inclusion of a “Dissent” in the Final Report.
  • Risked life by signing a contract with Random House for a “tell-all” book about the assassination, where she would “name names” regarding who orchestrated JFK’s death and who covered it up.
  • Intended to send assassination evidence to the proper authorities so an independent investigation could be convened.

Why, you and your colleagues may ask, is it asserted that Kilgallen is the most credible source about the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Because the moment she learned of his death, Dorothy launched an 18-month investigation, and here is part of the proof based on the columns Dorothy wrote, as included in my previous books and Injustice of the First Degree. By the Task Force reading the columns while realizing her incredible gifts as a wordsmith, all of you will gain a true sense of Kilgallen’s investigative prowess based on her having the best, most reliable sources of anyone involved with the JFK assassination, since she was trusted by all who knew her.

Dorothy Kilgallen and Jack Ruby attorneys Melvin Belli and Joe Tonahill during the Ruby trial – March 1964 (Author Collection) 

Kilgallen’s Journal-American column about Jack Ruby while attending first day of trial.

Perhaps Jack Ruby’s brain is damaged, as his defense claims.  Perhaps he killed Oswald during a period of ‘episodic dysfunction’ as his lawyers will tell the eventual, inevitable jury. Perhaps all killers are in ‘a rage state’ – another predictable defense term – when they pull the trigger or stab the heart.

But in court, Ruby is functioning pretty well. He is ‘zingy’ – a  Texas term for jittery – and inclined to worry over small problems far removed from the main peril, which is the death penalty.

Yet, little more than an hour later, the defendant bounced back quietly into the courtroom, lightly,  like a dancer under clumsy guard.

I was standing by the bar railing as he turned to take his seat, and he broke into a quick smile,  gave me a friendly, bird-like nod, and said, ‘Hello.’ 

Brightly. Then everything quieted down, and as 

Judge Joe B. Brown returned to the bench, Jack  Ruby became just a head in the crowd up front – a bald pate shadowed by a few pen-strokes of black hair.

Dorothy’s first scathing Column about the JFK Assassination (seven days after JFK death) disputing J. Edgar Hoover’s “Oswald Alone” theory.

Dorothy wrote: 

President Lyndon Johnson has been elevated so swiftly to his new high post that, in one sense, he has been snatched up into an ivory tower. As Chief Executive,  he is no longer in a position to hear the voices of ordinary people talking candidly. If he could walk invisible along the streets of the nation and listen to ordinary people talking, he would realize that he must be sure that the mystery of Lee Harvey Oswald is solved and laid before the nation, down to the smallest shred of evidence.

Before going forward, careful consideration of these words is a must:

[Johnson] . . .  must be sure that the mystery of Lee Harvey Oswald is  solved and laid before the nation down to the smallest detail 

If Oswald is President Kennedy’s assassin, he is the most important prisoner the police in this country have had in 100 years, and no blithe announcement in Dallas is going to satisfy the American public that the case is closed.” 

[Key here is her using the words “If Oswald is President Kennedy’s assassin” instead of just “President Kennedy’s assassin,” which, it may be reasonably assumed, means Dorothy had doubts about Oswald having acted alone as Hoover was screaming to anyone who would listen.]

The case is closed, is it? Well, I’d like to know how, in a big, smart town like Dallas, a man like Jack Ruby— owner of a strip tease honky tonk—can stroll in and out of police headquarters as if it was at a health club at a time when a small army of law enforcers is keeping a “tight security guard” on Oswald. Security! What a word for it.

            Justice is a big rug. When you pull it out from under one man, a lot of others fall too.

That is why so many people are saying there is “something queer” about the killing of Oswald, something strange about the way his case was handled, a great deal missing in the official account of his crime. The American people have just lost a beloved President. It is a dark chapter in our history, but we have the right to read every word of it. It cannot be kept locked in a file in Dallas. 

Kilgallen column after interviewing Jack Ruby at trial,  the only reporter to do so.

Jack Ruby’s eyes were as shiny brown-and-white bright as the glass eyes of a doll. He tried to smile, but his smile was a failure. When we shook hands, his hand trembled in mine ever so slightly, like the heartbeat of a bird.” Continuing the article, Kilgallen added, “I’m nervous and worried,’ he told me. ‘I feel I’m on the verge of something I don’t understand—the breaking point maybe.’” When Kilgallen told Ruby, “I think you’re holding up pretty well,” he replied, “I’m fooling you, Dorothy. I’m really scared.”

The Carl Sandburgs of the future will spend whole lifetimes trying to analyze the drama of this week and this scene. They will never be able to appreciate the unparalleled irony that exists today in this proud and gracious city. What it all boils down the assassination of a President, the slaying of a policeman, and the killing of a man nobody really knew – is little  Jack Ruby.

The hustler in the black suit and the very white shirt,  neat and nervous, is the star of the show at last. If he died tomorrow –  and he won’t – he would die happy in the knowledge that he had made the big time.

All the sweating that is being done in the apple green courtroom with the lazy apple green ceiling fans is being done over him. The long, crowded row of brilliant,  persuasive, charming, deceptive, tough, and realistic lawyers is split down the middle over Jack Ruby’s fate. 

Also released as “The Tragedy We Cannot Forget”

Say that again, slowly. Information concerning Oswald’s assassination of the president will not be available.  Perhaps it is dramatizing to say that there is an Orwellian note in that line. But it does make you think, doesn’t it?  It appears that Washington knows or suspects something about Lee Harvey Oswald that it does not want Dallas and the rest of the world to know or suspect . . . Lee  Harvey Oswald has passed on not only to his shuddery reward, but to the mysterious realm of “classified” persons whose whole story is known only to a few government agents. 

Why is Oswald being kept in the shadows, as dim a figure as they can make him, while the defense tries to rescue his alleged killer with the help of information from the FBI?  Who is Oswald anyway?”

Of note is this quote in the column:

Among those who know the seamy side of Dallas show business, the betting is 10 to 1 that Dist. Atty.  Hank Wade will produce witnesses who will testify that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald were acquainted. Ruby has said repeatedly that he didn’t know  the alleged assassin of President Kennedy—but then Ruby’s plea is temporary insanity, and there are a  great many things he doesn’t remember, and isn’t  about to.”

    Kilgallen, having referred to Oswald as an “alleged assassin,” meaning that she continued to believe there may very well have been a plot to kill JFK, then added:

To quote one observer, “the operation of Jack’s Carousel  Club had its unsavory aspects, but if Oswald checked in there a couple of nights a week, he could have made some extra money. That would account for his ability  to take trips—like the one to Mexico—on a $50-a-week  salary, and it also would account for his lying in a room  in the heart of Dallas five nights a week and joining his  wife and children in the suburbs only on Fridays and  Saturdays.” 

            Ruby has said repeatedly that he didn’t know  the alleged assassin of President Kennedy—but then Ruby’s plea is temporary insanity, and there are a  great many things he doesn’t remember, and isn’t  about to.”

A mysterious and significant aspect of the events following the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas has never been explored publicly, although it must have occurred to crack reporters covering the case as well as authorities investigating the tragedies. The important question—why did Lee Harvey Oswald, presumably fleeing from the police after the assassination, approach Patrolman J. D. Tippit’s car, in broad daylight with witnesses standing by—and shoot the policeman three times, although he had not said a word to Oswald.

Oswald had managed to slip away from the scene and was— up to that point—not a reckless one. A man who knows he is wanted by the authorities after a spectacular crime does not usually seek out a policeman, unless he has decided to give himself up, and certainly, Oswald was not doing that. By shooting Tippit instead of trying to make himself inconspicuous, Oswald put himself in double jeopardy. His act almost guaranteed his arrest. Why? A whodunit fan would infer that the policeman knew something about Oswald that was so dangerous [the policeman had to be silenced at any cost, even  Oswald’s chance at escape and freedom.

See manuscript for details.

See the manuscript for details, but Kilgallen, who was never called before the Warren Commission, called the report “Laughable.”

See the manuscript for details.

 Of great interest historically is that Kilgallen was in the front row at the Ruby trial and thus listening to the testimony on a daily basis. When detective Don Ray Archer testified, she heard him proclaim how “calm” Ruby was after learning that Oswald was dead, lending meaning to his having done his “job” by killing the accused assassin of JFK. 

[Ruby’s] behavior to begin with was very hyper. He was sweating profusely. I could see his heart beating . . . He asked me for one of my cigarettes. I gave him a cigarette.  Finally, after about two hours had elapsed, the head of the  Secret Service came up and I conferred with him and he told me that Oswald had died. This should have shocked  [Ruby] because it would mean the death penalty. 

I returned and said, ‘Jack, it looks like it’s going to be the electric  chair for you.’ Instead of being shocked, he became calm,  he quit sweating, his heart slowed down. I asked him if he wanted a cigarette and he advised me that he didn’t smoke. I was just astonished at this complete difference of behavior from what I had expected. I would say his life had depended on him getting Oswald[Emphasis added].

            Of even more interest was Dorothy hearing this testimony from G. C. (Garnett Claude) Hallmark, General Manager, All Right Auto Parking, located across the street from the Carousel Club. By overhearing Ruby state, “I will be there” when Oswald was to be transferred from the Dallas County Jail, Kilgallen must have believed that Ruby’s account that he “just happened by” the jail at the exact time Oswald was being transferred was pure fiction.

By being able to hear the testimony at the Ruby trial (it was also divulged that Ruby said he “made like a reporter” to gain access to information about Oswald, she was then in the perfect position to compare that testimony with Ruby’s testimony at the Warren Commission. Why, because through her friend, commission member Senator John Sherman Cooper, she received the secret Ruby testimony.

Proof is this headline in her newspaper.

Kilgallen’s “exclusive” prompted Hoover to launch an investigation into the source for that “exclusive,” but being badgered by two of his agents, she stated, “I would rather die than reveal my source,s” as noted in the Injustice book. [Author’s note: The FBI accounts of the investigation are in the book as well.]              

Determined to expose the truth, Kilgallen also told a colleague, acclaimed author Mark Lane, “They’ve killed the President; the government is not prepared to tell us the truth, and I’m going to do everything in my power to find out what really happened.” 

To supplement the strong evidence based on Kilgallen’s investigation and this author’s own research included in the previous books, here are snapshots of additional evidence that is included in the Injustice book:

  • Evidence proving Kilgallen was a close friend of the president since he had attended parties at her NYC townhouse, spoke with Dorothy on the telephone several times, invited her to the Inauguration and most importantly, invited she and her young son Kerry to the White House where the president praised Kerry for the letters he brought from his third grade class. Such conduct on his part made her investigation of her death “personal” in nature.
  • Regarding JFK’s death, reliable accounts proving Warren Commission corruption via the evidence exposed by Senator John Sherman Cooper’s legislative assistant Morris Wolff, a distinguished attorney and historian to this author, based on conversations with Kilgallen by Wolff at the “Georgetown Ladies’ Social Club” founded by Cooper’s wife. This is where Wolff interacted with Kilgallen, whom he called “a bright lightbulb.” Based on those accounts, he told this author:

“They [the commission members] say this [Oswald Alone result] is good for God and the country, but there is internal corruption, and I don’t know why.” 

“They [the commission members] already know about the Ruby connection to organized crime, but they don’t want to touch it.”

“It’s more than Oswald, but [Chief Justice] Earl Warren keeps pushing the

‘Oswald Alone’ conclusion.”  

“I am very skeptical of the slipshod job being done by the Commission staff.”

“They are getting it all wrong. It is a whitewash. A rush to judgment. Justice Earl Warren is acting crazy and dictatorial, just like a banana republic dictator. He is not the moderate and patient man I knew from the liberal and moderate

Republican circles. He is not his usual calm and temperate self. He is acting more like we are not to ask questions, but be puppets on a string.”

“The ‘single bullet’ theory is phony . . . a clever, even ingenious, cover-up invented by a staff member.”

“Our new President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, now wants to cover up and move on.”

“My boss was boiling mad, somewhat out of control for the only time that I had ever witnessed.” He said, “They want to bury the truth under a pile of stones.”

“They [the commission members] want to use raw power to shut down the investigation. They couldn’t care less about finding out who was working with Lee Harvey Oswald to gun down the president in broad daylight. It’s like a joke, and what is worse, a cover-up. The American people may never know the truth.”

“My own views are different than the Report conclusions.” 

“I have written a letter offering my resignation.”

[Note: Morris Wolff is still alive and may be called as a witness before the Task Force. This author has his contact information.]

Kilgallen learned about the Warren Commission “Dissent” created by Senator Richard Russell to be included in the Final Report based on his disbelief that there was only one shooter who killed JFK. One portion of a Dissent document included these caustic words by Russell.

“I do not share the finding of the commission as to the probability that both President Kennedy and Governor Connally were struck by the same bullet.”

And another of Russell’s determinations was included on this page:

The inability to gather all evidence in these areas, as well as a number of suspicious circumstances deduced from the record as made to my mind, preclude the conclusive determination that Oswald and Oswald alone, without the knowledge, encouragement, or assistance of any other person, planned and perpetrated the assassination.

  • Kilgallen had plans to include these shocking disclosures in the “tell-all” book about the assassination for Random House with the intention of demanding an independent investigation of the president’s assassination.
  • The first account of primary source Ed Walters, a Las Vegas casino boss who told this author, “she [Kilgallen] was dead” once the “wrong people” told those threatened by Dorothy’s JFK assassination investigation of her “tell-all” book naming names regarding who killed he president and who covered it up.”  
  • For the first time, proof positive of the connection between Carlos Marcello and Kilgallen lover Ron Pataky through author interviews with Las Vegas casino boss Ed Walters.
  • Proof Pataky was complicit in Kilgallen’s death under orders from underworld figures who could let her publish the “tell all” book about the assassination for Random House.
  • Kilgallen believed her phones were being tapped and that someone was following her. 
  • A first-hand account of New Orleans-based Frenchy Brouilette connecting Marcello and Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Account of Jill Kollmer, Dorothy Kilgallen’s daughter, “My mother was murdered”
  • Proof regarding the Manhattan Medical Examiner’s Office denying Kilgallen a proper autopsy per the firsthand accounts of those present at the time of her death in 1965.
  • Audio taped conversations between LBJ and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover regarding why the members of the commission were selected, Hoover calling Kilgallen a “dirty columnist” who could cause him trouble, and both men admitting they did not believe in the “single shooter” conclusion about who assassinated the president.
  • The “confession” of Carlos Marcello that he had JFK assassinated, which, in context with the evidence presented in this book, becomes quite credible. 

RFK Death

The research conducted by this author, for the first time, provides shocking new evidence pointing to the logical conclusion, based on motive and benefit from the crime, as to who was responsible for the assassination of Robert Kennedy in 1968 and who covered up the truth. This evidence includes:

  • Evidence regarding Kilgallen’s death opens the window to Marcello ordering the death of RFK in 1968 before he could become president, and pursue Marcello for orchestrating JFK’s death based on motive.
  • Marcello’s connection with the accused RFK assassin Sirhan was via Marcello’s connection to mobster Mickey Cohen, who controlled the gambling at Santa Anita and Hollywood Park California Racetracks, where Sirhan was employed.
  • Video-taped accounts regarding the following:

Firsthand accounts of Santa Anita Paddock Captain John Shear, who hired Sirhan to “hot-walk” horses there while befriending him from 1965 to 1968 when RFK was killed.

A first account by Shear of seeing Sirhan, dressed in an expensive suit even though he was out of work, being “controlled” by “two hoodlums” at Hollywood Park shortly before the RFK assassination, providing an explanation why Sirhan had four crisp one-hundred-dollar bills in this pocket when arrested.

A first account by Shear, a hero at Santa Anita after he save a five-year-old girl from being crushed by a wild horse, that on the day of the assassination he saw on TV a photo of Sirhan and the words, “DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN,” whereupon he called and informed Santa Anita security of this information with the belief they would tell the police or FBI and have them contact him.

A first account of Shear’s stating that he was never contacted by the LAPD or FBI but that his telephone was “tapped” for a year, after that, making him suspicious that the mafia was involved.

Here is the entire Shear account as noted at–3ec

“This young man comes by and says, I’m looking for work. Do you need anybody?’ I looked at the guy, not much taller than me, and I said the only job we have is a hotwalker and it only pays $200 a month. He said, ‘I’ll take it.’” 

 “We called him Sol, very quiet and he was like subservient, not only would he walk the horses but he’d clean out the . . . offices, he’d sweep the tack room (where a horse rider stores all their riding, saddles, bridles, helmets, boots, brushes, combs, etc.) all this for [next to] nothing because he liked to work. [Then] a friend and I were in the tack room one day, and“Sol” was reading the Los Angeles Times. And he shouted out like Bobby Kennedy is arming Israel or something like that.”

“As soon as he said that, Sirhan went into a rage. He roared and shouted and screamed and said, ‘the man should be dead. He’s killing my people” [Sirhan is Palestinian], and my friend and I’s mouths are wide open because he’d gone from being a mouse to a lion in a matter of seconds. And finally I said, “Sol, calm down, what do you know about politics and he rattled off [the names] of every senator and congressman in the United States and what state they were from. He knew everything about politics. He finally calmed down, eventually calmed down.”

Regarding what happened when Robert Kennedy died, 

Shear then recalled, “We were over at Hollywood Park and I saw Sirhan going up the steps with these people and I said to my wife later on in the evening, ‘I saw Sol at the racetrack, all dressed up and he had money and he’s not been working yet, with these two hoodlums (Cohen’s “guys?”). I can’t remember who they were, but I’d seen these people before, and I think they’ve been thrown out of the [Santa Anita] track.” 

 “On the day Kennedy was shot (June 5, 1968), I was working at the racetrack and they flashed his [Sirhan’s] picture on the TV along with


“My wife saw who it was and she called Hollywood Park [security] and said, ‘You should talk to my husband. It’s very, very important.’ So they got me to the phone since she had said [to me], ‘Guess what, Bobby Kennedy’s just been shot and guess who shot him, Sol, and you have to tell somebody’ so I ran down to the security office [and told them] I know the man who shot Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and I told them who he was, that he worked for me.”

 Completing his recollections about the Sirhan matter, Shear said, 

“Our phones were tapped for a year. I said, are you sure it’s tapped? [My wife] said every time she picked it up, there was a ‘click’ so it’s tapped and every time she called the phone company, they wouldn’t deny it and they wouldn’t say yes or no.” He added, “But we know it was tapped, ’cause they thought we might have some information or something,” without explaining who “they” were.

 [Confirming his dad’s account, Michael Shear’s interview is videotaped and may be played for the Task Force upon request.]

            Of great interest here is John Shear’s recollections regarding seeing Sirhan with a “hoodlum” at Hollywood Park. In the Injustice book, the fact that Sirhan appeared to have money by wearing an expensive suit connects with the mystery as to why he had four $100 bills in his pocket about arrest. Further:                                                                                                   

  • A first account that Mickey Cohan (Marcello’s close “associate”) frequented the

Ambassador Hotel in LA, where RFK was killed, and thus knew of the “inner workings” of that hotel.

  • That Grant Cooper, one of Sirhan’s attorneys, also represented mobster Johnnie Roselli,  an “associate” of Cohen’s and Marcello’s.
  • That Cooper’s defense of Sirhan was inadequate to the same extent as the defense of Jack Ruby by attorney Melvin Belli, also connected to the Mob.
  • Regarding the total number of gunshots involved in the assassination, there is a difference of opinion about how many were fired. Readers are encouraged to consider that in 2004, the only known audio tape of the RFK assassination was discovered stored in the California State Archives. Recorded by independent journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski, it contains what are the actual shots fired during the shootings.

Years later, Philip Van Praag, an expert in the forensic analysis of magnetic media recordings, studied the audio tape and concluded that between 10 and 13 shots were fired. Even the presence of 10 shots appears to change everything about the lone shooter conclusion, since Sirhan’s handgun could fire no more than eight shots without reloading. Vsn Pragg also revealed that two of the shots from the .22-caliber Iver-Johnson Cadet revolver took place so close together that they could not have been fired by the same gunman. This evidence provides he concluded, provided solid evidence of a second gun being fired by someone other than Sirhan.

 [Conjecture regarding the number of shots fired and by whom regarding RFK’s death is reminiscent of the debate over the number of shots fired and by whom in Dealey Plaza.]

  • The first-hand account of Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who performed RFK’s autopsy, concludes, among other shocking admissions, “the existence of a second gunman remains a possibility,” and thus, I have never said that Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy.

Regarding the historical importance of this compendium of evidence based on motive and benefit from the crime:

The linking of the three deaths via the element of motive proves they were orchestrated by Carlos Marcello, whose “footprint,” as proven by this author, includes these connections: Marcello and Robert Kennedy, Marcello and J. Edgar Hoover, Marcello and Mickey Cohen, Marcello and Jack Ruby (via the connection of Ruby to Pete Marcello), Marcello and Lee Harvey Oswald, Marcello and his “mentor” Frank Costello, Marcello and Melvin Belli (FBI file), Marcello and James Hoffa, Marcello and Santo Trafficante, Marcello and Sam Giancana, Marcello and Joe Civello and Joe Campisi (Dallas underlings), Marcello and mob lawyer Frank Ragano, Marcello and Dorothy Kilgallen (through Frank Costello).

This said, while there are many theories that may be considered by you and the Task Force regarding the deaths of JFK, Kilgallen and Robert Kennedy, here are these conclusions for consideration as well, ones that may spur new research in the coming years:

  • John F. Kennedy was not killed by one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, but instead JFK’s death was orchestrated by New Orleans Mafia Don Carlos Marcello in 1963 with motive or the assassination revenge based on RFK deporting Marcello, a true double-cross since Joseph Kennedy had promised the Mafia Don and others in the underworld they would not be investigated after they helped JFK win the White House.
  • Another strong motive for Marcello was so Robert Kennedy would become powerless and not destroy the Mafia Don’s billion-dollar empire he had accumulated after JFK’s death;
  • Dorothy Kilgallen did not die of an overdose of barbiturates in 1965 but instead was murdered when she came too close to the truth about Marcello having orchestrated JFK’s death and J. Edgar Hoover covering up the truth during her 18-month investigation.
  • Without question, Kilgallen’s romantic interest Ron Pataky was a “Judist,” an operative compromised by Marcello to silence Kilgallen when he leaked the facts and conclusions about the Mafia Don’s having plotted to kill JFK to Marcello who had the protection of J. Edgar Hoover to the extent of the Warren Commission never even considering Marcello’s orchestrating the president’s death.
  • That the Warren Commission was corrupted from the outset by Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover to the extent that the Final Report, as Kilgallen learned, was bogus in nature since there was absolutely no independent, thorough investigation to the extent that even Senator’s Cooper and Russell never stood up for the truth by neglecting to make certain that the Report included a “Dissent” negating any semblance of truth to the ludicrous “Oswald Alone” theory.
  • Connecting the life and times and the tragic deaths of Marilyn, JFK, and Dorothy for the first time based on motive points to Bobby Kennedy’s abuse of power in the early 1960s, having infiltrated the lives of these three 20th-century icons like a poisonous snake, causing each to die at an early age;
  • Concerning the death of RFK, logic based on motive indicates that Carlos Marcello, the Mafia Don whose empire was worth millions of dollars and who feared that Bobby, when he became president, would do everything possible to put the Mafioso behind bars, utilized his connections to Mickey Cohen so as to find the perfect patsy, Sirhan Sirhan to be the fall guy in the spirit of Oswald being the patsy for JFK’s assassination.

That Kilgallen was scared for her life just before she died is proven by her telling her two confidants, “If the wrong people knew what I know about the assassination, it would cost me my life,” “I am afraid for my life and my family and I bought a gun,” “someone is going to kill me” all while realizing that her phones were being tapped, she was being followed and death threats were a daily occurrence. She was dead shortly thereafter.

As noted in the Injustice book excerpt at the end of this letter, here are just some of the shocking aspects surrounding Kilgallen’s death:

At around 9 a.m. on November 8, 1965, Dorothy Kilgallen’s hairdresser and confidant, Marc Sinclaire walked into a bedroom next to her dressing room in Kilgallen’s townhouse located on East 68th in New York City. According to his account, this is what he observed:

She was sitting up in bed, and I walked over to the bed and touched her, and I knew she was dead right away. The bed was spotless. She was dressed very peculiarly. I’ve never seen her dressed like that before.  She always [was] in pajamas and old socks, and her makeup was off and her hairpiece was off, and everything. She was completely dressed like she was going out, her hair was in place, her makeup was on, and her false eyelashes were on. 

Sinclaire added:

The matching peignoir and robe, a book laid out on the bed, a drink on the table, the light was on, the air conditioning was on, though you didn’t need an air conditioner; you would have had the heat on. And she was always cold. And why she had the air conditioning on I don’t know. 

Yes, one of the most, if not the most, remarkable journalists and media icons in history, and a mother of three, was dead at age 52. Despite the strong appearance of a staged death scene, an autopsy was performed by the Manhattan Medical Examiner’s Office, and that started the drum roll to Dorothy becoming the victim of injustice of the first degree since no investigation. As noted, it occurred. Later, three deadly barbiturates were found in her bloodstream, indicating she had been murdered, as proven in the Injustice book and others published by this author.

This all said, I trust that my contributions to history may be of benefit to the Task Force. I assume you and your colleagues will have many questions and I would be pleased to discuss them with you either in person or by Zoom. One hope of mine is that by exposing the injustice done to Kilgallen when she died, a fresh, independent investigation of her death may be possible sooner rather than later based on compelling evidence that she was murdered. 

Finally, as noted in the Introduction to the book, it appears certain that if there had been a thorough, independent investigation of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Robert F. Kennedy’s death five years later and the poisoning of heralded journalist and media icon Dorothy Kilgallen, the course of history would have been changed forever. Your Task Force now has the chance to provide that thorough, independent investigation so the world at large finally learns of the most credible analysis of what really happened to these three 20th-century icons. Such will prove that there should have never been three true crime murder mysteries at all, since based on logic and the homicide detectives’ favorite tools to solve such mysteries, motive, and benefit from the crime, there were not mysteries, only coverups of the truth from start to finish.

Thank you for listening. I look forward to hearing from you when time permits..

Mark Shaw

P.S. I have been honored that my alma mater, Purdue University, is archiving my body of work alongside those of Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. More information about that at 

P. S. S. Here is a letter from two of my more than 5000 supporters to NYC DA Alvin Bragg objecting to his refusal recently to investigate Kilgallen’s death. It explains the strong reasons why such an investigation is absolutely necessary to secure justice for Dorothy.

Henry and Mary Deible

200 Lewis Street
Reynoldsville, Pa. 15851
(814)  590 – 2734

March 11, 2025

The Honorable Alvin Bragg, DA
One Hogan Place
New York, New Yorkr 10013

Dear Mr. Bragg,

Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered. She deserves justice, No less.

Ms Kilgallen was quieted for her investigations into the murder of President John F Kennedy. She knew that her life was in danger as she pursued the true assassins of President Kennedy. Dorothy persisted in her unaltered quest for the truth, and as she closed in on that truth, she herself was murdered. Ms Kilgallen was an intelligent and formidable investigative journalist in an era where most women were held back or at least discouraged from the art of true journalism. Ms Kilgallen knew that the lone gunman theory purported by the Warren Commission and thrown upon the American public like an encompassing net was packed with half-truths and outright lies. Her dauntless pursuit of the truth extracted the ultimate sacrifice. She paid with her life.

The “investigation” that followed her death was inept. By any standards or measure it fell far short of seeking the true cause of Ms Kilgallen’s death. She deserved much better.

You, sir are Ms Kilgallen’s best hope for redemption and atonement. On behalf of justice and, more importantly, truth it is my hope that you will lend your ear to Dorothy’s deplorable end. A story of a great and honorable life not only cut short, but disgraced by the incredible lack of justice. Truth and justice were ingrained in Ms Kilgallen, and for that, she always fought. 

It is my hope that you will reopen Ms Kilgallen’s case with vigor and intent, and follow the facts to their rightful conclusion. Dorothy’s death was not a suicide. Ms Kilgallen had the world at her fingertips. Suicide is a murder, and with every murder, you need a motive. There was absolutely no motive for Dorothy to take her own life. It is incredulous to believe so. 

It’s never too late for us to apologize to a victim of the justice system. Our best and most appropriate apology will be to find the truth for Ms Kilgallen. If anyone deserves to be freed of an injustice, it is a woman who worked so hard for justice… Dorothy Kilgallen.

I humbly request your assistance for Dorothy.

Thank you for your deep consideration,

Henry H Deible


Injustice of the First Degree

Shocking New Evidence Connecting for the First Time the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Poisoning of Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen, and the Death of Robert Kennedy Exposes Who Orchestrated All Three Murders and Who Covered up the Truth

Includes Updated Marilyn Monroe Death Probe and Demand for New Investigation of Sirhan Sirhan’s Culpability Regarding RFK Assassination 

Mark Shaw

Former Criminal Defense Attorney and ABC, USA Today, CNN and ESPN Trial Analyst for the Mike Tyson, O. J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant Cases and Bestselling Author of 
“The Reporter Who Knew Too Much



Fighting for Justice

The Reporter Who Knew Too Much

Collateral Damage

Denial of Justice

“Investigative reporting at its best. Mark Shaw’s original work into the questionable deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilogallons is now focused on the many unanswered questions left by the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the JFK assassination. Fighting for Justice has to be read.” 

— Nicholas Pileggi, author of Wiseguy (movie: Goodfellas) and Casino 

“If a writer is so cautious that he/she never writes anything that cannot be criticized, he/she will never write anything that can be read.”
— Thomas Merton
Get Published

Author of “How to Become a Published Author: Idea to Publication”, Mark Shaw’s book on the writing and book publishing process includes his successful 10-Step Method as well as literary tips to assist those who dream of being published. For twenty years and counting, Mark, who can speak to writers as an accomplished author himself, has provided literary consulting to hundreds of aspiring authors. | Learn more

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