New Evidence Proves Warren Commission Corruption Based on Bestselling Author Mark Shaw’s Exclusive Interviews with Commission “Whistleblower” Morris Wolff

A dour-faced Senator John Sherman Cooper stands with Commission Members Second from Right
To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, A Commonsense Approach to the Truth About the Assassination and the Connected Murders of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen
Based on Bestselling Author Mark Shaw’s Six Books:
Melvin Belli: King of the Courtroom
The Poison Patriarch
The Reporter Who Knew Too Much
Denial of Justice
Collateral Damage
Fighting for Justice
More about the books may be learned through presentations available at:
The Commonwealth Club of California
Allen Public Library
The Commonwealth Club of California
To date, there are more than 10 million YouTube views of these presentations
Mark Shaw will be appearing at the Commonwealth Club of California on November 7:
The Commonwealth Club of California
“Investigative reporting at its best. Mark Shaw’s original work into the questionable deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilogallons is now focused on the many unanswered questions left by the Warren Commission’s inquiry into the JFK assassination. Fighting for Justice has to be read.” — Nicholas Pileggi, author of Wiseguy (movie: Goodfellas) and Casino |
“If a writer is so cautious that he/she never writes anything that cannot be criticized, he/she will never write anything that can be read.” — Thomas Merton |
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Author of “How to Become a Published Author: Idea to Publication”, Mark Shaw’s book on the writing and book publishing process includes his successful 10-Step Method as well as literary tips to assist those who dream of being published. For twenty years and counting, Mark, who can speak to writers as an accomplished author himself, has provided literary consulting to hundreds of aspiring authors. | Learn more
Has any new facts surfaced concerning Dorothy Kilgallen’s death come to light.
My thoughts that her death and the JFK file was clearly the reason. Unfortunately she
never shared any of those notes with anyone about the trip or its conclusion to New
Orleans. Sad to think she was not more careful after knowing her life was in danger.
Henry Fuss
I was 12 years old standing on Main Street November 22,1963. I was literally standing in the street because the crowd pushed Becki Wells & I there. President Kennedy’s thick hair shone in the sunlight like a brand new copper penny. The huge crowd was cheering. Officer Chaney almost ran over my foot. I moved towards the corner of Houston to watch the motorcade. I heard loud noises echoing off of the tall buildings. I thought maybe a car was backfiring. Then I saw folks throwing themselves facedown on the grass. As a 12 year old child, I witnessed chaos. I saw the motorcade stop briefly & then speed towards the freeway ramp. Saw folks running, adult faces screaming & horrified. Becki & I went into the Records building so she could call her Mom. The radio was turned up loud & it was saying the President had been shot & taken to Parkland Hospital. I would like to tell you more Mr. Shaw.