June 2021 Newsletter

21 Jun



NEWSLETTER – June / 2021

“Collateral Damage” Headed for Best Seller Status: Commonwealth Club of San Francisco Author Interview Garners 20,000 YouTube Views in Just Ten Days!

“Collateral Damage” Amazon Sales Soaring, Reviews Amazing, CD #1 in “Suicide Books,” etc.


YouTube versions of this author’s Commonwealth Club of SF interview (non-edited and edited) skyrocketed over the weekend; Now nearly 20,000 views in just ten days and rising by the hour. Commonwealth Club Program Director George Hammond Email yesterday:



You are box office magic. I have never seen anything like this [number of views] with such sustained interest. And you are now poised to take over first place of the last 90 programs we have had here.  


To understand my passion for securing justice for JFK, Marilyn and Dorothy and why connecting their life and times and their deaths in “Collateral Damage” changes the course of history, here’s the link to the two versions of the interview beginning at 9 minutes, 49 seconds:

Unedited version

Edited version

3 Replies to “June 2021 Newsletter

  1. Mark,

    I highly recommend reading “Hollywood Is a Four Letter Town” by journalist James Bacon. He includes a chapter on Marilyn Monroe that lines up exactly what you have said about her. He knew her for years and wrote that he never believed it was a suicide.

  2. I just listened to your video done in 2017 about Dorothy Kilgallen and I found myself wondering if you have seen the movie on the JFK assassination and 9/11. Here is the link if you haven’t seen it:
    I was 19 years old when JFK was killed. I also enjoyed watching Dorothy on What’s My Line and always wondered what happened to her! We live in such a corrupt country and it’s been like this my entire life. There’s a lot of evil people who are in charge of our government. This JFK movie is the most informative I have ever seen. Also, I don’t know if you are aware that JFK, Jr., his wife Carolyn, his Uncle Robert, and his mother Jackie are all still alive. John John has written a book under the name of Juan O’Savin – The Boy On The Side Of The Road. John has been helping President Trump “drain the swamp.” He is on “Telegram” if you want to join his websites, his wife’s is CBK News and Caroline Kennedy is also on there.
    My husband and I were in NYC on the morning of 9/11. He was confined to a wheelchair and I was pushing him down to visit the towers. Fortunately we were detained at breakfast and we were about ten blocks away from the twin towers. It was a life altering experience for both of us and it’s the closest we’ve ever been to a war zone.
    Thank you for sharing your videos on Dorothy… with everything else done by our CIA, FBI, etc. I agree that Dorothy probably was killed by the Cabal!

    Joyce Jensen

  3. Hello Mark,
    Like all the cases you’ve wrote about, there is one that I wish would be solved for Justice. Bobby Fuller was struck down in his prime with a promising career cut short. Bobby Fuller came to Hollywood in the 60’s and signed with a record company. He didn’t come home one night and showed up in the parking lot, to the apartment complex he lived in, the next day in his mothers car, covered in gasoline and beaten to death. The police and autopsy report said it was suicide. The police did not investigate and all evidence was contaminated and discarded. I was wondering if this would be of interest.
    Jo Ann Flores

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