Learn from History: Question Authority

3 Aug

I am very blessed that, to date, there are more than 400,000 YouTube views of my June 10 interview at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco and the July 8 presentation at a prestigious library near Dallas (link below). This said, the main question I am asked by folks around the world via email is “Why do we care about what happened to Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Kilgallen and JFK when they died some 60 years ago? And the answer I give is twofold, first, my research is all about history and destroying distortions of history, but more importantly, the relevance is that during the early 1960s when these three icons died, no questions were asked but instead government accounts were accepted without any real inquiry as to what really happened. And that failure to question extends to this day so in my interviews, etc. I encourage people, especially young people, to ask questions whether it is about the vaccine, actions of congress, or issues in their neighborhood or city, so the truth is exposed. If that doesn’t happen, we have no one to blame but ourselves regarding the crazy state of the world today.

15 Replies to “Learn from History: Question Authority

  1. Interesting Coast to Coast AM interview on: 3 August 2021, Mark. Is your email: mshawin@yahoo.com ?

    I believe that Peter Lawford, Marilyn’s psychiatrist, and RFK were in Marilyn’s house on 3 August 1962, and they all three murdered Marilyn Monroe, using 3 different kinds of barbiturates, administered via an enema.

    Then they all 3 made it look like it was a suicide, which it wasn’t.

    When these 3 evil people were making their get-a-way they were traveling way over the speed-limit and were pulled over by an LAPD police officer, who identified the driver Peter Lawford, and Marilyn’s psychiatrist, in the front passenger seat, and RFK seated in the back seat.

    • Michael – Thank you for contacting me and for your kind words about the C to C interview.

      Your theories are close to what I believe happened to Marilyn when she died with slight variations. You might read “Collateral Damage,” and if you do, please let me know your thoughts. Best, Mark Shaw

  2. I have enjoyed reading both “The Reporter Who Knew Too Much” and “Collateral Damage:.
    I would be very interested to hear what you think of the book by Barr McClellan “Blood, Money & Power, How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. I think it adds more to the story. There is also a long PBS special of numerous programs tied together into a 7 hour and 15 minutes program on the assassination of J.F.K that sheds additional information. As well as you analyze and put together all of the pieces of the puzzle, I would love to see how you would put all this information together. You do a great job and I look forward to reading many of your other books.

    • Bill –
      Thanks for contacting me and for your kind words about the books.

      There is no question that LBJ benefited from JFK’s demise since LBJ became president but like the book you mention, I have trouble connecting the dots as to how the assassination actually took place at LBJ’s behest. Plus, of course, I am a Dorothy Kilgallen “believer” and her pointing to Carlos Marcello as orchestrating JFK’s death, makes great sense to me as I noted in the books.
      Best to you,
      Mark Shaw

  3. I am so impressed by your work.
    When the leader of a country is Assassinated , we have havoc or even chaos, an unending virus that continues to effect us. Until we know the truth, the whole truth.

    Frances Payne

  4. Frances –

    Thanks for contacting me and for your kind words about my research and books. Very much appreciated.

    Yes, we must continue to search for the truth in all ways possible. That certainly did not happen back in the early 60s and happens today as well.

    Best to you,
    Mark Shaw

    • Dick – Thanks for contacting me and for your concern about my safety but danger is just part of the deal when you write books like I do. I can’t worry about that and thus far except for some hacking of my email and my Facebook page along with some very strange emails, there has been no direct threat.

      No matter, I do watch my back and I appreciate your caring about me for sure. Means a great deal to me. Best to you, Mark

  5. Mark; As you know it comes without warning. There will be no “direct threat”!
    YOU get the blame for using too many drugs. When you become a threat, It can come in the night via an enema as per Marilyn and Dorothy.
    Read Dorothy’s “official” obit. “Her death was determined to have been caused by a fatal combination of alcohol and barbiturates.” NOT POSSIBLE!!!
    It was caused by an ATTACK! Her notes and papers disappeared! A great lady gone.
    You are at great risk to go on that list.
    Leave some papers everywhere to be found in event of your death that you do not drink, and for sure do not take sleeping pills, barbiturates, etc.
    Buy entry alarms for every orifice where you hang and sleep. It may not be enough as they are clever and determined.
    I fear you are in great danger!!! I may be putting myself in danger because of these messages.
    TAKE CARE!!!

  6. Hey Mark, this is an interesting talk by comedian/actor Richard Belzer, who in 2013 wrote “Hit List”: May 6, 2013 at the National Press Club. The book is billed as an in-depth investigation into what some see as the mysterious deaths of people linked to the President John F. Kennedy assassination story. Belzer describes the assassination as the “greatest murder mystery” of all time” – linking the deaths of fifty people, including columnist Dorothy Kilgallen, U2 pilot Gary Powers and Jack Ruby, the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Belzer also presents evidence supporting the theory that there were two Lee Harvey Oswalds and how his death was set in motion by the FBI, the CIA, and the Mob. Belzer insists there is a timeline and there are witnesses who have proved that Oswald never fired a shot the day the president was killed in Dallas.


  7. Jon –

    Thanks for contacting me but I am not a fan of this book at all – too much speculation, too little hard facts. For instance, re Dorothy’s death, Belzer certainly didn’t research it enough in my opinion thus falls far short of accuracy about what happened.


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