You Tube Views for Commonwealth Club of San Francisco Hits 100,000 in Less than a Month

13 Jul

A special thank you to all of you who have written to me with appreciation for my latest book, “Collateral Damage.” And for telling others about the book which is my contribution to history. Some don’t agree with my research conclusions regarding the life and times and the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, JFK and Dorothy Kilgallen and that is okay but as always, my writings are intended to cause people to stop and think about important historical issues. Because of the loyal support, as of this morning, today the total number of YouTube views for my interview at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on June 10, reached, based on both the edited and non-edited versions, 100,000 in just over a month. Simply amazing and beyond my wildest expectations for a book that is as thick as the NYC telephone directory. Here is the link to the edited version.

One Reply to “You Tube Views for Commonwealth Club of San Francisco Hits 100,000 in Less than a Month”

  1. Regret missing your call..out of state for annual medical exam …misplaced your phone number…Dick Norton. Selma, Al. 334-872-7397

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